Thursday, August 20, 2009


Mama has been too busy to do a blog this week! She has been trying desparately to get a picture of my 4 big teeth, but every time she pulls out the camera, I won't let her get a picture of them! It's a fun game for me. Mama said I bite really hard. It just feels good to feel my teeth with my finger and to grind my teeth together! You can see my teeth in the video if you watch carefully.

I love to drop things. It's fun to watch Daddy and Mama pick them up. I love to drop toys out of my stroller and onto the kitchen floor from my high chair.

I was so excited to go to the pool yesterday because I just discovered the water faucet where the water comes pouring out. I could stay there all day and touch the water as it comes out!

I was really good for Daddy last night at the church rehearsal. We didn't get home until after 9:30PM, but I slept on Daddy.

Today Daddy gets a 1/2 day of work! It's his first vacation day since July 4th! We are so excited.

WELCOME to my new cousin, Caleb Andrew! You look like your dad! I'm glad you are a boy and that we'll be able to play together at Christmas!

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