Friday, April 23, 2010

on a walk

My neighbor has some really nice flowers. Mama taught me how to smell but not touch them.
I regularly have scraped knees. I walk too fast and I fall all the time. I refuse to hold Mama's or Daddy's hands, so Mama often makes me wear pants on the walk even if it's hot outside. Did you know I can hold up my pointer finger when Mama asks me, "How old are you, Robert?" I learned how old I was last Friday. I am drinking a lot of (watered-down) juice. Mama thinks I would do well on a liquid diet. I love my cup. I know where the moon is and I also point to the water fountain where we live every time we're in the car. I know our walking route so well that I tell Mama where to go. She tried to walk past one of the places we turn left and I started walking the correct way. I'm old enough to start being fussy and wanting my own way. My list of bad things include whining, biting, and banging pots and pans on the wooden floor. When I do something wrong and Mama corrects me, I try to make amends by giving her a kiss even though she doesn't ask for it. It takes Mama by surprise and she's not mad at me any more. Mama and Daddy bought a bed and mattress yesterday. The furniture store had a rock/water fountain and I got so wet putting my hands in it that they had to take my shirt off! We stopped to get ice cream on the way home and I ate my free baby cone so fast that I begged to have part of Mama and Daddy's cone.

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