Saturday, May 08, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

This is my swimming outfit. Thanks for the great hat from Old Navy, Grandma and Grandpa!

Our first seeding came today!
I have lots of toys in my pack and play. I have to stay here while Mama takes a shower. The other day, I was so tired that Mama found me relaxing on my back!

Guess where I was from 7:30-8:00 AM? I ate Cheerios and played in my pack and play while Mama practiced for Sunday. It's the first time I had to go along! Daddy was gone visiting Grandma and Grandpa so Mama couldn't go early and she was getting nervous about not being ready!

We went to the outside pool for the first time today! I kind of remember going last year. There were a lot of people to watch. I didn't stay in very long, but we had a fun time.

Do you know that I can eat clementines really fast? I ate 2 whole ones in about 2 minutes. I also figured out how to tear apart peanut butter crackers and lick the PB on the inside. I never saw anyone doing it; I just did it myself and Mama laughed really hard!
Yesterday Mama played for a funeral so I had to stay with babysitter at the church's daycare for 45 minutes. When Mama returned I was sitting on the worker's lap and really happy. They told Mama that my eyes were glued to the Noah's Ark movie and that I never made a peep. Mama thought it was funny because I've never watched TV or a movie my whole life! We average about 5 minutes (if that!) of TV time per week, I think, and it's always the news, so I don't bother watching.

We planted the garden on Monday and today we saw the first seedling pop through!! I want to look at the garden every time we go outside. By the way, I like to pick up dead worms on the sidewalk. It grosses Mama out and she keeps wipes in the stroller now. I've figured out how to get out of the stroller, so Mama thinks her walking/strolling days are over. I get to walk along side her now.
I am getting really good at holding hands while praying before we eat food. When both Mama and Daddy are at the table, I want to hold each of their hands and I bow my head, too. I listen for the AMEN because I know that we get to eat after that! I don't understand why we don't have to pray before everything we eat (e.g. I want to "re-pray" after eating my sandwich before I eat the clementine or if Daddy comes down to eat after we have started, I want to pray again with him.)

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