Saturday, January 08, 2011

Words and Hair Cuts

Daddy and I got hair cuts today! I was so still while my hair was being cut. I had so much hair! Mama and Daddy had such fun watching.

The past few weeks I've added so many words to my vocabulary. I'm really into opposite words ON and OFF, HOT and COLD, and UP and DOWN. I like saying HOME when the car pulls into the garage. I say, "THE BABY," all the time and point to Mama's tummy. Every time I play with a gift from Nanny and Papa or walk by the guest room, I say their names. I even let Mama know if I mess my pants. Hopefully that means I can start potty-training soon!
This week has been a little tough on me. I got in a bad habit throughout December of waking up in the midde of the night and walking into Daddy and Mama's room. Well, they bought a special door knob last weekend, and ever since last Sunday night, I can't open the door anymore. I've been trying to put myself back to sleep when I awake. Sometimes it takes me a long time, so we haven't gotten too much sleep. I've had great naps to make up for it, though!

1 comment:

Deb said...

I sure hope they saved a piece of your locks.
Sorry to hear about the new door knob but hope you know they are doing that to keep you safe.